Baked sweet potatoes

Baked sweet potatoes: During the end of the year our local farmers market, The Farm at Rockledge Gardens, is collecting their sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are traditionally served for Thanksgiving in America and with a huge amount of food to prepare over the holiday season, baked sweet potatoes are very easy to prepare, leaving you time to focus on everything else, especially family!

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Cook your baked sweet potatoes in the coolest area of your oven and this recipe for baked sweet potatoes is the same if you cook 6 or 60! This gives you plenty of room to use the rest of the oven for a few more delicious culinary delights!

Baked sweet potatoes: makes 6

  • 6 medium and equally sized sweet potatoes
  • 3 ounces salted butter
  • 1 level teaspoon ground nutmeg
  1. Preheat the oven to 375F / 190F.
  2. Stab each potato at least 3 times.
  3. Arrange on a baking sheet and place in the bottom of the oven for 1 hour turning them over after the first 30 minutes. They will be ready when you can squeeze them easily.
  4. When they are ready, cut a cross into the top of each one and pinch the sides of the potato with your fingers and thumbs. This is open the top.
  5. Divide the butter and nutmeg between each of the potatoes and serve.
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