Gluten free Italian Amaretti cookies
The perfect, gluten free Amaretti cookies: We hunted all over the place to find the recipe for a perfectly gluten...
The perfect, gluten free Amaretti cookies: We hunted all over the place to find the recipe for a perfectly gluten...
Potato salad with Pantelleria capers: This recipe for potato salad with Pantelleria capers is one of those you want to...
Gluten free orange and yogurt muffins: You can often whip up a flavoured muffin from what you have languishing in...
Kale and walnut pesto: There are certain ingredients that are simply made to be together. This is what we decided while...
Baked potato wedges with pesto dip: Americans often use what is known as a coating or 'Rub' on meat and fish....
Sun dried tomato and black olive tapenade: This sun dried tomato and black olive tapenade is our go-to ingredient for...
How to make a colorful and refreshing fresh fruit salad: While on the beautiful island of Ponza, Italy, every morning...
Italian rib eye steak tagliata: Rib eye steaks need little by way of embellishment to deliver amazing flavour. This recipe...
Grilled eggplant antipasto: Ciao!! As promised to all you folks visiting us at the farmer's market, here is the recipe for...
Fava bean soup is very popular in Italy. When fava beans are in season, you will find them adorning the...
Russian eggplant caviar or 'baklazhannaya ikra' in Russian, is of course no relation at all to actual caviar. This stuff...
Gluten free chocolate muffins: While living in Italy, we ran an Air B 'n' B. Over the years we hosted...
Our gluten free eggplant Parmesan is very popular at the farmer's market and we are very appreciative of that. The...
How Italians prepare octopus: While on the island of Ponza, some years ago, I was fortunate enough to watch Maurizio,...
Although baked potatoes are often served as a side with a knob of butter or sour cream, baked potatoes are...
How to make piri piri chicken: Piri piri is a popular Portuguese sauce made with African bird's eye chilies. It...
Fresh fennel and orange is a popular Sicilian salad. It is made with blood oranges when they are in season,...
Our baked cod with olives and tomatoes, is an easy dish to put together and the whole thing takes about...
Perfect pignoli pine nut cookies: It took a great deal of experimentation to finally arrive at the recipe for perfect...
This is our go-to, all-purpose, gluten free flour blend. We use it for muffins, biscotti, gnocchi and even English pancakes....
Making gluten free sandwich bread requires no kneading because the dough is quite liquid. As with many homemade, gluten free...
We have developed our gluten free orange and cranberry muffins because the cranberry is very popular in America and is...
If you have some leftover rice, this baked zucchini with rice is the perfect dish to use that up and...
A cheesy, luxurious twice-baked potato with steamed cauliflower. The perfect vegetarian side dish. Twice baked potatoes with cauliflower - serves...
How to make hummus: I had not made hummus for many years and I had forgotten how much better it...
Caprese stuffed portobello mushrooms are a wonderful antipasto or side and pretty garnish or even a stand alone vegetable dish....
Kale Slaw: There are many great ideas for using kale and this recipe for kale slaw (or coleslaw), is one...
Chunky green tomato salsa: Salsa, America's favourite sauce! This being said we thought we would have a go at making...
Farmer's market carrot top pesto: Who doesn’t walk through their local fruit and vegetable market without gathering inspiration for the...
Pork, potato and pepper risotto: When you cook with arborio rice, it takes as long to make it into risotto...