How to make egg pasta dough using tipo 00 flour and egg

How to make egg pasta dough using Tipo 00 flour: There are a number of different types of pasta dough. The one chosen often depends on the type of dish you are preparing, the region of Italy you are preparing it in and of course the preferences of the person preparing it. Here, is the recipe for making pasta dough using Tipo 00 flour and whole egg.
Pasta dough made using the fine, soft wheat flour known as Tipo 00, is always made using eggs. It is not possible to create a good pasta using Tipo 00 and water alone.
Pasta made using Tipo 00 and egg is very light and very well suited filled pasta such as tortellini, ravioli, fagottini. culurgionies. We could go on!
Egg pasta dough using Tipo 00 flour
- 300 grams (10.58 oz) Tipo 00 flour
- 3 medium eggs, (170 – 172 grams – make up any shortfall with natural water) at room temperature

- In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and egg, 1 egg at a time. Be patient as you knead it as it does take some time to form pasta dough.
- If your dough seems too tacky, dust it with a little more flour. If it seems too dry, spray it with a little natural spring water and continue kneading.
- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and continue to knead gently for up to 10 minutes.
- Form the dough into a ball and lightly dust all over with flour.
- Place in a ziploc bag, seal and set aside at room temperature for up to 30 minutes.
- When you are ready to roll out the pasta dough, have a little pot of flour nearby that you can dip into for lightly dust the dough as you roll it.
- Be patient. Roll out small amounts of pasta dough at a time.
The longer you leave your pasta to rest, the better it will be. You can make your pasta ahead of time. Ensure to dust it, seal it and refrigerate it for up to 12 – 24 hours.
The thickness of the dough will depend on the dish that you are preparing. For filled pasta, roll it as thinly as you possibly can.
For making tortellini, cut the dough into small squares. If you feel that the dough is drying as you work, lightly spray it with natural spring water as needed.