Green tomato and mozzarella panini

Happy green tomato and mozzarella panini: After a busy week working towards preparing our goodies for The Farm, we love nothing better than to spend Sunday relaxing, reflecting and researching.

The green tomato is very familiar to us in the form of green tomato chutney. The English had to find something to do with their tomatoes that didn’t get their chance to ripen in the sun. We don’t get a great deal of sun in the UK. Green tomato chutney would be prepared ready to be spread all over cheeses and pates during the winter months. With that in mind, we decided to see how a green tomato would stand up to being ‘Italianised’!

By the way, we didn’t realise we had drizzled a smile onto our panini until we were taking the photograph. So that was an added surprise and actually the reason we wrote up the recipe for you 🙂

So here is the list of ingredients for our Happy green tomato and mozzarella panini:

  • 1 panini, sliced in 2 along the length
  • Butter
  • Tapenade
  • 4 slices of green tomato
  • Mozzarella, enough to cover both slices of panini
  • 4 – 6 medium to large, fresh basil leaves
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Balsamic glaze
mozzarella green tomato panini
  1. Warm a broiler (grill).
  2. Spread the butter thinly over the under and upper sides of the panini bread and toast.
  3. Remove from the broiler and spread the inner sides with the tapenade then cover with mozzarella and grill. At the same time, lightly salt and pepper the tomatoes and grill. Grilling them on one side is sufficient.
  4. When the mozzarella begins to melt and brown, remove the panini from the broiler.
  5. Top the lower panini with the basil and tomato. Add the upper panini to form a sandwich and press firmly.
  6. Drizzle with balsamic glaze and enjoy!
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