Ricotta cheese gnocchi

Considering that we make a lot of gnocchi, we have waited a long time to make ricotta cheese gnocchi. We are so delighted to have set aside some time to do this because for those of us who struggle making gnocchi, this recipe is for you!
Ricotta cheese gnocchi is ‘lighter’ and less dense than potato gnocchi and much quicker and easier to prepare. If you are wanting to make gnocchi for the first time, start with this recipe.
One of the major differences between making potato and cheese gnocchi is that making cheese gnocchi is a chilly process. When making potato gnocchi, the potato needs to be hot before mixing with the flour.
Ricotta cheese gnocchi sits well in many different sauces, pesto, tomato sauces, cream sauces or simply drizzled in extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with lashings of Parmesan cheese.
Tips for making ricotta gnocchi successfully
The secret to making these ricotta cheese gnocchi, is to dry out the ricotta as much as you can before using it. Allow the ricotta to sit in a strainer over a bowl for up to 30 minutes in the fridge before using it. But don’t panic, your ricotta will still be moist and to counteract this you will simply add more flour to the mix. Press the ricotta to the strainer to remove any excess liquid that remains. Speaking of flour, the other secret to making great gnocchi is in the flour. Do what the Italians do and make your gnocchi with Tipo ’00’ flour which is a very fine, white flour.
Making gnocchi is all about the ‘feel’. The final dough needs not to be too sticky and not too dry.
Ricotta cheese gnocchi Serves 4 – 6
- 1 lb good quality ricotta, drained
- 1 – 11/2 cups (7 – 8 oz) Tipo ’00’ flour
- 2 medium eggs, at room temperature
- 1/3 cup (4 oz) Parmesan cheese, finely grated
- 1 teaspoon salt (add more to your own taste)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

- In a large mixing bowl, place the drained ricotta, Parmesan, egg and salt. Mix it all together well before adding 1 cup of the flour then begin to mix it all together with a spatula.
Add only as much flour as you need to create a workable, soft but compact dough that is only lightly sticky, and be careful not to overwork it as this will force out more liquid from the ricotta. Just be gentle and quick. This dough requires no kneading. - Sprinkle some flour onto a clean work surface and divide the dough into pieces roughly the size of your fist and roll them into long ropes as thick as your thumb.
- Ricotta cheese gnocchi dough is a little too sticky to pass over a gnocchi board so you are going to simply cut 1 inch pieces along the ropes. Make sure each one has a little flour on the before placing them on a clean kitchen towel or lightly floured baking sheet without piling them. This will help to avoid your gnocchi sticking together. Place them all at one level. Continue until all the gnocchi are cut and place them in the fridge for up to an hour or until you are ready to cook them.

For freezing, chill them in the fridge as above and then place them in the freezer keeping them all at one level. When your gnocchi are frozen, you can pack them into freezer bags. You must make sure to cook them from frozen.
- To cook the gnocchi, drop into lightly salted water and remove as soon as they float to the top, after 1 or 2 minutes.
Place into previously cooked and warmed Pasta Nostra San Marzano tomato (DOP) Sauce, stir and serve.
If you would like The Paster Maker to make these ricotta cheese gnocchi for you, simply send us a request.

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