Roasted radishes with raisins

Roasted radishes with raisins: When I first planted a tiny vegetable garden in my very first home, I planted radishes. A lot of them! I didn’t really understand much about planting vegetables and was really surprised to see how successful I had been in growing radishes. Very successful! In fact, the whole packet of seed sort of ‘successful’.
Sadly, no one in the house really liked radishes much and I never had the will to find out what else I could do with them other than slice them into a salad. That is, until NOW!
Radishes are fast becoming a favourite. Quick to grow and slow to cook, roasted radishes with raisins will add colour and flavor to your next meal and they are equally delicious served chilled too.
Since radishes have a peppery flavor, they are perfectly paired with something sweet like raisins or other dried fruits like cranberries and dates.
Roasted radishes with raisins
- 500 g radishes, diced to equal size
- 250 g raisins
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 2 medium cloves garlic, crushed and finely chopped
- 4 tablespoons clear honey

- Preheat the oven to 185 C / 370 F.
- Toss the diced radishes and raisins together with the olive oil, salt and garlic powder.
- Place the radishes in a baking dish and place in the centre of the oven, uncovered for 1 hour.
- After 1 hour, turn the radishes over with a spoon and place back into the oven for a further 30 minutes or until they begin to brown.
- Remove from the oven, drizzle with the honey and turn the radishes over with a spoon to distribute the honey.
- Serve hot or chilled.

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