Buckwheat ravioli stuffed with ricotta and goat cheese
Buckwheat ravioli stuffed with ricotta, cinnamon and goat cheese is one of the most delicious dishes from the far northern...
Buckwheat ravioli stuffed with ricotta, cinnamon and goat cheese is one of the most delicious dishes from the far northern...
Our organic kale and spinach fettuccine with chicken Parmesan has been made possible by a few carefully chosen 'leftovers'. The...
Pasta primavera with dandelion leaves: Spring is the time of a tremendous diversity and color in the garden on an...
Lemon linguine with clams is the perfect partnership on a plate! Pasta Nostra USA lemon linguine is made in small...
Lasagna is a great Sunday classic in Italy and our lasagna with pesto will bring the aroma of Liguria into...
Spaghetti alla Gricia is one of the most famous and tasty regional dishes of Rome and Lazio. It is sometimes...
We have wanted to attempt making chimichurri for a while because there are so many fresh herbs are in season....
Fregola sarda with broad beans, zucchini and pecorino cheese. Fregola sarda are an ancient, Sardinian form of pasta that resembles...
Smoked salmon lasagna with spinach: The lasagna has always had a place of honor on the tables of Italians, especially...
Spaghetti with lemon and goats cheese - The flavor of fresh goats cheese has a little zing to it which...
Ragù Alla Bolognese: In Italy, rich sauces made with meat are known as ragù and this form of ragù, otherwise known...
We love pasta and we love salad too. A search of your local farmer's market will get you nearly all...
When you start with great quality ingredients, you will create great quality dishes. For our pasta with shrimp in puttanesca...
How to bake tomatoes with couscous and pine nuts: It's really convenient cooking with things that you can find around...
Our Royal Red Shrimp with Lemon Linguine is truly 'Fresh From Florida! Just the way we like it. Every Thursday...
Walnuts are considered to be a superfood! So when you serve a pile of walnuts with our SUPER homemade beetroot...
Cooking up some Tuscana pici all'aglione is a lesson in how Italians cook up a sauce using fresh tomatoes. To...
This simple pasta dish of spaghetti aglio olio has its origins in Naples, Italy and offers amazing texture and flavour...
Who can resist a colorful dish like this roasted beetroot spaghetti with ricotta. Just look at it! Beetroot, also known...
We like to share with you our recipes that we believe show off our products. Our olive and lemon couscous...
Cupola di bucatini pasta - the Sunday project: Sunday is a day of catch up for us here at The...
This butternut squash and broccoli rabe lasagna is packed full of goodness and oh my goodness it is good! The...
Baked ziti with zucchini is a pretty dish and perfect to prepare with our homemade pasta rigatoni or dried ziti! Baked...
When we came across this recipe from The Ruby Spoon (see link below) for baked orzo pasta with bacon and...
You can create your typical Roman penne all'arrabbiata as hot as you like because this dish is characterized by an intense...
Cannelloni is a great family dish that is easy to prepare and put together. Veal cannelloni is very popular during the winter...
Paccheri with eggplant and tomato sauce: Paccheri pasta is a really versatile pasta that looks as though it's just for...
Linguine with green olive sauce and zesty breadcrumbs: Our 'pasta-peep' Kathy, has done it again with this winner of a...
Macaroni fritters: OH MY!!! Essentially, these are balls of macaroni cheese, deep fried. A bit of a treat, wouldn't you...
Spaghetti cacio e pepe: This is a traditional dish from the region of Lazio. The photograph is Spaghetti Cacio e...