Traditional Spanish gazpacho soup
Spanish gazpacho is undoubtedly one of the most refreshing, raw, summer soups you can enjoy. Our recipe is for a...
Spanish gazpacho is undoubtedly one of the most refreshing, raw, summer soups you can enjoy. Our recipe is for a...
The Roman ricotta tart is a typical dessert of Lazio gastronomy, with a base of shortcrust pastry and a rich...
Pasta salad with pesto alla Genovese: We are very proud of the fact that we make you as close to...
Fried spaghetti pie! OH MY, OH MY! Just when you though pasta could be anymore diverse and interesting that it...
Eggplant Parmesan is a typical dish of Neapolitan cuisine, which is known and appreciated throughout Italy. It is a pie,...
It's really difficult to look at a dish like Potato Gnocchi with Bacon & Spinach in Tomato Cream Sauce and...
Simply beautiful and tasty risotto with clams is for the whole family and the perfectly simply recipe. Clam risotto is...
Aglio e olio spaghetti with asparagus and prosciutto: During the time we were living in Formia, Italy, we happened upon...
We first presented a dish of Cajun lamb as a special on our menu at The Crystal Palace, Bath. It...
Buckwheat ravioli stuffed with ricotta, cinnamon and goat cheese is one of the most delicious dishes from the far northern...
Our organic kale and spinach fettuccine with chicken Parmesan has been made possible by a few carefully chosen 'leftovers'. The...
Pasta primavera with dandelion leaves: Spring is the time of a tremendous diversity and color in the garden on an...
How to make risotto using pearl barley: We have to confess to having an absolute LOVE of pearl barley. Our pearl...
Gluten free mini potato lasagna with Tuscan kale and pesto: Have you ever tried making lasagna using thin slices of...
Lemon linguine with clams is the perfect partnership on a plate! Pasta Nostra USA lemon linguine is made in small...
Lasagna is a great Sunday classic in Italy and our lasagna with pesto will bring the aroma of Liguria into...
Baked potato gnocchi tomato gratin is a great way to serve your gnocchi baked. A delicious meal thanks to the...
Italian bread and bean soup (also known as Ribollita), would be considered 'peasant cuisine' or 'food of the poor' because...
Spaghetti alla Gricia is one of the most famous and tasty regional dishes of Rome and Lazio. It is sometimes...
Gluten free chamomile muffins with honey and lemon: We want to show how different ingredients can be used when making...
What can I do with pesto sauce? This was a question recently asked of The Pasta Maker regarding our traditional...
This delicious basil pesto and sun dried tomato quiche is perfect for a fancy breakfast, or even something you make...
This Italian style balsamic and herb marinade is the perfect solution for adding flavor to your meats, vegetables or fish....
If you haven't already got one, then it's time to invest in a kitchen mandoline for achieving beautifully shaved veggies,...
When making potato gnocchi for the first time it can feel a little intimidating. This is because although you can...
We have wanted to attempt making chimichurri for a while because there are so many fresh herbs are in season....
At Pasta Nostra USA, we make a number of different flavored gnocchi (including gluten free). All of our gnocchi will...
Fregola sarda with broad beans, zucchini and pecorino cheese. Fregola sarda are an ancient, Sardinian form of pasta that resembles...
Smoked salmon lasagna with spinach: The lasagna has always had a place of honor on the tables of Italians, especially...
Florida fruit jam is an exotic confection which makes the most of fruits grown in Florida such as mango and...